Monday, November 27, 2017

Notes from Meditating this Morning

Meditation: looking for manifestations in the body of emotions. The breath itself is a particularly chief manifestation.

The right type of meditation is really a sort of  brain surgery. You are looking for those patterns that flow - catching them in flight - and pondering them to create awareness, to then rewire them.

Pattern flows of emotions, once captured in action, i.e. captured by being aware, causes a separation of the ensuing pattern. That pause in flow, if awareness is maintained with objectivity/equanimity, tends to dissipate the energy of that pattern. Where the energy may have normally wanted to feed a flow of hatred, depression, eagerness, dread, alarm, etc. etc. - it now is caught, like an animal in the night, freezing and then fading into non-existence. If emoted patterns can be captured enough, the established routes of habitually triggered feelings can be altered.

Catching through awareness and equanitmity feeling sensations can retrain how we feel, express, and experience life.

Depression is the expectation of bad - constantly - with no relief foreseen. You aren't just sad or down. You literally expect bad in the future with no hope for good. It is a brain wiring problem.

This morning I awoke, and caught the feeling of expectations of bad going forward with no relief in site. Pausing just enough in my normal feeling routes, I was able to see it objectively - the feeling itself - and where it wanted to go from habitually proceeding down normal flow paths - giving me just enough awareness that it didn't have to ensue that feeling route. Allowing the sadness it was creating - depression itself - to pause in its tracks, just enough, to dissolve, if not completely, but enough that a trickle doesn't grow into a stream. This is the basis of Vipassana treatment as I see and experience any benefit from it. Whether it is sustainable, or able to be practiced enough to permanently alter patterns of feelings built up over a lifetime - that is yet determined.

Maintaining the awareness of sensations/feelings/emotions - of which drive the images and thoughts - is the skill/talent being sought.

This type of meditaion is itself a type of mental/emotional/bodily sensation surgical practice.

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