Thursday, September 12, 2019

You're a Puppet - the Power of Ideology

Jung said, "People don't have ideas. Ideas have people."

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It's very easy to become possessed by elements of your own Being . . . that . . . that you don't have fully under control. And then some of those elements are systems of ideas that . . . that are IN YOU!

That's Dawkins' idea of meme, essentially. But he didn't take it as far as the Psychoanalysts took it. Because a meme . . . a system of ideas that's shared culturally can ... can inhabit you a Being . . . and direct your actions!

That's what happens in the case of ideology. People who have an ideology say, "This is what I believe!" . . . It's like . . . uh NO. . . . No . . . No! ... THAT THING HAS YOU . . . in it's grip! And you're a puppet!

You think, "I think this." It's like . . . no you don't. IT THINKS YOU!

That's what happens. And you know that.

If you look at what happened in Nazi Germany. Everyone wonders, "What the hell happened, man?" What happened there, well . . . everyone got possessed by a set of ideas! . . . Powerful ideas, right? And they . . . Murderous ideas! Genocidal ideas!

And you can't say so much that the Germans had these ideas as you can say that these ideas had the Germans!

And the same thing as the Soviet Union. The same thing with Maoist China. Any time you're under the sway of an idea . . . you're under the sway of an ideology!

Something HAS YOU. 

And it's making you play a part .

And you might ask, well is that a part you want to play? . . . Hard to say. Hard to say what you want.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Winnipeg, Canada - July 2018
(12 Rules for Life podcast - Sept, 1, 2019. Emphasis mine.)